How It Works
Bounties are small, one-off tasks. They are often rewarded with a small payment (most commonly $20 USD).
There are two types of bounties: DAO-wide: Created by one of the Co-stewards, any Builder in the DAO can complete the task. Working group: Created by the working group lead, any Builder in the working group can complete the task.
Why We Created This
Bounties are essential to making the DAO participatory.
Bounties have largely stayed the same since the creation of the DAO. One evolution has been the addition of working group bounties, and allowing working group leads to freely issue them based on their budget. However, bounties often end up going to the first person to raise their hand/see the bounty posted rather than the most qualified person, which also makes some people feel left out. We have experimented with doing applications for bounties, introducing an "application period" and random number generators etc.
Last updated