Working Groups
How It Works
The Dream DAO has experimented with different types and compositions of working groups. Currently, the DAO has 4 working groups: partnerships, community, gatherings, and governance. Working groups are where most of the DAOs tasks are accomplished. Working group elections are held before each new season begins. Working groups are led by one Builder and advised by one Champion (not elected, chosen by the lead). Working group leads are responsible for ensuring the success of the working group. They lead most of the meetings and define tasks. Each Dream DAO member is encouraged to join 1-2 working groups.
Working groups operate based on βkey resultsβ. At the start of each season, working groups create their key results that they will accomplish over the next 6 months. All of the tasks they do are working towards the completion of those key results. Working groups are also given their own budget to allocate bounties to the working group members.
Descriptions of the working groups:
Partnerships: Cultivate and manage strategic partnerships with web3 orgs for fundraising, internships, and in-kind services
Community: Care for the end-to-end experience and thriving of Builders and Champions
Gatherings: Organize incredible IRL and online events and meet-ups, and help DAO members participate in web3 conferences
Governance: Ensure smooth operation of core DAO functions, incl treasury, elections, working group composition, compensation
Why We Created This
Working groups are essential to 1) keeping the DAO running smoothly 2) allowing members to participate/help shape the DAO.
We are still learning a lot about how to best operate working groups. We are uncertain about which working groups we should keep or evolve for Season 3. However, one major realization we had was the distinction between working groups and recurring roles. Working groups are best for creating things that benefit from collective intelligence- like how to design a merit system. But they are ineffective at repetitive tasks which can be done by an individual (see the section below). We also introduced working group scorecards: monthly feedback from the leadership team on how the working groups are performing. This gives the DAO greater insight into what other working groups are doing.
Last updated