How It Works
The Dream DAO has working groups (see the next section) that oversee DAO operations, but there are several roles that are higher-level than working groups. Currently, there are two Co-stewards and one Coordination Wizard. Their role is to complete tasks and ideate on topics that are too high-level for any individual or working group to address. They are highly involved in the DAO and have context about almost everything happening at a given moment. Co-stewards are Champions, elected at the beginning of the Season. The Coordination Wizard is Madison, who is not elected, and is neither a Champion nor a Builder (she is a Co-founder). Looking ahead to Season 3, we are considering a variation of the Co-steward structure: one Champion Co-steward, and one Builder Co-steward.
Why We Created This
Dream DAO needs people who are dedicated to thinking about the high-level direction and operations of the DAO.
Leadership is one of the biggest open questions in DAOs. Ours has been evolving from the start, and will continue to shift for as long as we exist. When the DAO was first created, the Co-founders did nearly all of the work related to running the DAO. However, after Season 1 ended, leadership shifted to being nearly all elected and community-driven. This shift was challenging for the DAO, but was ultimately an essential step in progressively decentralizing. We continue to look for more ways to empower our members to lead. One of our near-term goals is to allow one of our Builders (aka our users!) to be elected to one of these leadership positions.
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